Meaningful Message

Hello everyone this week for RE we got to make something that show off one of the great things about Christianity and turn it into a poster. I chose a quote that was meaningful to me from the bible talking about how if you show faith God he will reward you with his love and be with you always. I enjoyed this task because it was fun to look at all the famous inspirational quotes from the bible and see how much Jesus actually loves us. I was looking through the routes and found this one which I thought had a good meaning.

Do you find this quote inspirational at all? or is their a better one that you know of?

Tell me in the comments below


my reading

Hello for reading this week we got to create a slide about children who made a difference in the world. You may not know about some of these  kids who have changed the world. For example there is Malala who fought for rights for all children to have an education. Here is my slide.

Were their any kids that made an impact that you didn’t know about?

if so please tell me in the comments bye

My collector card

Hello today I will be telling you about my reading this week. We had to make a collector card about a one of these two athletes: LeBron James or Michael Phelps. Our goal was to make connections with these athletes. We had to choose these two because we were specifically learning about these two because of the social impact they have made for example LeBron payed his old high school  thousands of dollars to build a new gymnasium and Michael created a foundation that supports kids to try make healthy lifestyle choices. I chose to make my collector card about Michael Phelps because I didn’t know as much about him as I did LeBron. Here is my collector card

I found this create very interesting and enjoyed learning about what these athletes have done in their life did you enjoy this blog if so tell me what you liked about it and if you didn’t tell me what you didn’t enjoy in the comments.


Treaty Tasks

Hello everyone welcome to my blog  This week in reading we have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi 

we had to complete 9 diffrent tasks today I will be showing you three of the tasks I made.


The first task I will show you is my KWL

Something I learnt about was the structure of a KWL and a quick way to make one because I have not seen one before.


The 2nd task we had to do we had to find out the roles each person played in the making of the treaty.

An interesting fact I discovered was how important Henry Williams was to creating the treaty.


The 3rd task I did was making a drawing showing the differences between the English treaty and the Maori treaty


Something I learnt about was how many differences there were in the different treaty’s 


well thank you for reading my blog I found this really interesting did you find it interesting  please tell me in the comments.


Pretty PBL

Hello there today I will be talking about my PBL for this term. This term we learnt about the inner workings of the planet such as biodiversity, soil and the atmosphere these are the ways the world work for example animals making life work for each other through biodiversity. We had the options of putting our learning into our work through a minecraft world, map or even a 3d model. I chose to made a map heres a picture of it.

Next I have my plan I used to make it.


My last thing I made was my blurb to explain the island


Do you find any of this intresting? if so comment what.


Radical reading

Hello there everyone today I will be showcasing my reading create and my reading goal. Our goal this week in reading was to get better at inferring which is when you are able to read between the lines and figure something out when it wasn’t said directly in the text. The create for the week was to create a comic panel that needed to be inferred to be understood. So without more chat here you it is.

Could you infer what happened to the man? did you like it?

answer in the comments below


Witty Writing

hello people welcome back to my blog post today I will be talking about a writing task. In this task we were given a picture of a creepy house and to write a descriptive sentence about it. It was fun to think of ways to describe it and it was a great chance to use some language features we dont normally use in our every day lives or in our writing, here it is

did you like it? do you thing you could draw a picture with that information?

thanks for reading my blog and


Radiant Reading

hey there boys and girls last week for reading my group was tasked with making a low sodium three course meal. we did this because we learnt to much salt can cause heart sickness and how much salt they pack into foods that should have little to no salt so here is my menu.

did you know that some sandwich have over half your recommended daily amount of salt?


How can we be Champions of Peace

How can we be Champions of Peace?




For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions on Peace’. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are the victory sign that you make with your hands, the CND symbol which stands for campaign for nuclear disarment and the dove because of the multiple refrences to doves in the bible the dove has come to be a sign of peace with god, innocence, and purity.

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because you may find peace by looking into your heart.



We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about Martin Luther King jr I thought this person was a champion of peace because he fought against segregation and thought it was wrong to treat someone differently because of there skin colour 

We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 

I enjoyed learning about peace because it helps teach us how to promote peace.

I learnt that everyone should be treated as equals 

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by loving people no matter what.


Cool camp carnage

Cool camp carnage

On Monday the 10th of September Kaupeka year 7’s headed away to camp for two nights and three days. We went to Wainui camp. It took around an hour and a half to get there in the bus. There were 9 people in my activity the people in my group were me, Tharun, Ayman, Jairus, Ivy, Willow and Tilly. Our activity group leader was Mrs kubala.


Our first activity was archery but it was also my favourite activity because it had fun games in it.


I also made a camp recap google drawing so I will show you that now I hope you like it


I hope you liked my blog
